
The information, materials or documents made available here do not characterize and should not be understood as an investment recommendation, analysis of a security, promotional material, participation in any business strategy, solicitation/offer/sales effort or distribution of investment fund shares described here. KUARÁ CAPITAL does not sell or distribute investment fund shares or any other financial asset, and the interested investor must initiate a relationship and/or direct their investment intention with the available distributors/platforms.

Even with great care in its collection and handling, KUARÁ CAPITAL is not responsible for the accidental publication of incorrect data, or for any other errors, omissions or for the use of such information, and some of the information contained herein may have been obtained from market sources. Such information is for informational purposes only and does not consider investment objectives, financial situation, or individual and particular needs of each investor, in addition to not containing all the information that a potential investor should consider or analyze before investing in an investment fund. Investors are advised to carefully read the fund bylaws and other fund documents before investing.

Investment funds are not guaranteed by the fund administrator, the fund manager, any insurance mechanism, or the Credit Guarantee Fund – FGC. There is no promise or guarantee of performance, and any reference to past, historical, or targeted profitability does not represent a guarantee of future profitability.